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Friday, March 30, 2018

Toast Bread

French toast is mostly bread, so the kind of bread you use is important. Challah or egg bread is made with eggs and butter and will give you gorgeous creamy insides. This is my go-to bread for French toast. Tightly crumbed, country-style breads are nice, too, and will give you a sturdier, less creamy French toast. Classic French baguettes sliced on the diagonal make a nice,...

Toast Bread

French toast is mostly bread, so the kind of bread you use is important. Challah or egg bread is made with eggs and butter and will give you gorgeous creamy insides. This is my go-to bread for French toast. Tightly crumbed, country-style breads are nice, too, and will give you a sturdier, less creamy French toast. Classic French baguettes sliced on the diagonal make a nice,...

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Arabica  The coffee plant is an evergreen shrub, classified under the genus Coffea, and part of the botanical family Rubiaceae. There are several species of Coffea, the finest quality being Arabica, which today represents 59% of the world’s coffee production. Arabica originated in the highlands of Ethiopia. It is sensitive to hot and humid conditions, and grows at altitudes...

Delicious Toast Bread in the Town!

French toast is mostly bread, so the kind of bread you use is important. Challah or egg bread is made with eggs and butter and will give you gorgeous creamy insides. This is my go-to bread for French toast. Tightly crumbed, country-style breads are nice, too, and will give you a sturdier, less creamy French toast. Classic French baguettes sliced on the diagonal make a nice,...

Friday, March 11, 2011


遙控器按整個晚上 又一張 很空曠的雙人床 打開了網頁到處逛 又一杯 獨享的冷咖啡香 我已習慣 每個城市都獨來獨往 但還是渴望 偶爾有人在身旁 這裡有空位 你要不要占缺 不用刻意把我當成你的誰 請再坐近一點 將陌生感消滅 然後就像情人那樣體貼 心裡的空位 我很樂意出借 霸佔我的世界不輕易讓位 奔波這麼多年 我也想停在某一天 誠實的面對所有愛戀 不膽怯 寂寞有多少的重量 不快樂 該不該繼續假裝 我已習慣 每個城市都別來無恙 看起來一樣 卻不同方向 這裡有空位 你要不要占缺 不用刻意把我當成你的誰 請再坐近一點 將陌生感消滅 然後就像情人那樣體貼 心裡的空位 我很樂意出借 霸佔我的世界不輕易讓位 奔波這麼多年 我也想停在某一天 誠實的面對所有愛戀 不膽怯 這裡有空位 你要不要占缺 不用刻意把我當成你的誰 請再坐近一點 將陌生感消滅 然後就像情人那樣體貼 心裡的空位 我很樂意出借 霸佔我的世界不輕易讓位 奔波這麼多年 我也想停在某一天 誠實的面對所有愛戀 ...

Thursday, December 30, 2010


今年的假期怎么觉得有点短呢?好像才过一星期现在又要开学了。真快。有没有人度日如年? 跟我换换, 我度日如秒。Hmmm.....开学了好像很多东西要做。要剪头发, 要修眉, 要洗床单,被单,要买衣,要买鞋还要整理, 还要准备上学心情。看来皮包又要破洞了。怎么办? 根本没有期待开学的那种感觉。好像还再沉睡在假期的感觉, 赖床赖到中午才舍得起身。真糟糕,怎么觉得自己好像变成大懒猪了。真懒惰, 超怠慢的。Hai...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3 Min Cooking Method

Cooking is my interest.However, as i grow up i become more and more lazy to cook.When i was small, when my mother was cooking, i will stand besides her silently and observed how she cooked. Interestingly, when my mother was not around, i promised my mother i will cook. I still remember, the first time i cooked, my mother was praising me. That time i was so happy. Children...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Laptop~~

Today, i just feel little better from fever.However, when i open my laptop, i discover it is my laptop turn to get fever. Sigh *1000000....Sad...Haiz....Although my laptop still can be used but when the day passes, my laptop get responding slow and slow. This brings trouble to me when i am doing my project...Sometimes, i need to restart it because the laptop not response as i expect. Sometimes, my laptop will suddenly shut down itself and return...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Feeling Bad....

I am fever again...Just recover yesterday but today fever again ==Today, wake up late again at 1.35pm...Am I denggi? I doubt so...I am scare because last time denggi already made me suffer very much....Feel want vomit, dizzy.......HaizSuffering right now...Really painf...

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I found this in my mailbox....So, i would like to share this to all of my friends too...好笑的律師問答~ 電影裡,律師唇槍舌劍好不厲害,其實,翻開美國各級法院的正式紀錄,不難找到一些律師可笑的問話:--------------------------------------------------- 問:「你認識這相片上的人嗎?」 答:「那個人是我。」 問:「拍攝那張相片時你在場嗎?」@#%&*@#$%..我不在現場照得到我嗎?--------------------------------------------------- 問:「妳知道懷孕多久了嗎?」 答:「到十一月八日就有三個月了。」 問:「那麼妳是在八月八日受孕的?」 答:「是的。」 問:「那個時候妳在做什麼?」@#%&*@#$%...你覺得我是做什麼才受孕的...玩乒乓球嗎?---------------------------------------------------...

Saturday, December 25, 2010


今年的圣诞节瞒特别,参加了圣诞派对,交了个新朋友, 也借此让我更加认识及了解周围朋友们的宗教信仰。基督教, 其实我并不是那么了解这个宗教。但是, 任何朋友们的宗教信仰我都非常尊重也带有好奇心去知道, 去认识。在这个圣诞派对,牧师说了个故事很有意义, 所以也想分享给朋友们。你们知道吗? 诺贝耳和平奖竟然被颁给刘曉波, 对中国而言多么荒谬的事实。刘曉波在中国可是家喻户晓,一个不可救药的理想主义者,致力于做一个温和,坚定,建设性的政治反对派, 反中国可是却偏偏是他拿了这个奖。结果, 中国也设了个奖, 名为童子奖颁给反外国主义者。虽然奖金并不比诺贝耳和平奖来得丰厚,但是,中国也不理会了。中国也不管了,诺贝耳和平奖的真正含义已经被模糊了。所以,中国也不理会了, 颁了个童子奖。其实, 故事里有着它的道理。圣诞节的含义已经被人们模糊了。圣诞节其实是要庆祝耶稣复活的日子却早已被遗忘。这里指的是信奉基督教的朋友说真的,我并不知道圣诞节的来源。每年的圣诞节,我们都会有自己的圣诞节目,你有你要过的圣诞节, 我也有我要过的圣诞节。...

Thursday, December 23, 2010


从我开始懂事至今, 我依然记得那些悲剧发生在我生活圈子的朋友们及学生。最让我印象深刻的是发生在我就教的小学。一位四年纪和五年纪的兄妹因一场车祸而双双过逝。留下了二年 纪的小弟弟与母亲。母亲是位中学教师, 也是我中学的历史老师。世界真的很小吧!我中学的老师的孩子变成了我的学生。 驾着汽车载着孩子们的母亲在车祸后十分自责及痛心,好一段时间都难以振作,一直责怪自己害死了自己的孩子们。留在我脑海最深的是那位二年纪的小同学,至今我依然还没忘记他的名字及面孔。虽然过去了, 但是, 不知为什么在写着这个真人真事的故事时, 我的心情依然那么低落与难过就好像当初我受到这个悲惨的消息时的那种坏心情。他是个很聪明, 可以说是非常聪明的学生, 年年榜上第一。 但是, 他很自满。可能说因为他还小不懂事吧。 因为他天资高所以经常骂自己五年纪的哥哥是个笨蛋, 还骂哥哥是个大肥猪,死肥猪之类的。他对很多人说包括我和他身边的朋友们抱怨自己有个笨哥哥。每次投诉自己哥哥时满脸总是摆出很不悦与嫌弃的表情。就连我...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hi, all my friends i am here wish you allMerry Christmas 2010 & Happy New Year 2011.MAY the coming new year bring lots of good luck and happiness.Lets all of us have a new start, new hopes and new wishes in 201...